vrijdag 17 juli 2009

New toys? For me?

So the last few days have been strange but enjoyable. Tuesday my guildleader asked if I would be willing to lead the raids on tuesday from now on. While I'm not much of a natural leader, I accepted the offer. The next day, they shocked me by promoting me to officer without prior warning. A bit odd, since I've only been at the guild for a little less than 2 months now, but a nice boost to my ego anyway.

All other things aside, last night was our new regular ulduar run. We cleared flame leviathan two times allready, and while we wiped on him twice due to random disconnects, we managed to down him aswell. After that we one shotted razorscale (even with our MT disconnecting) and downed the XT-002 Deconstructor after a few tries. We had a go at kologarn aswell, but failed miserably due to me not having the tactics correct. We'll get him down next week.

So dar, I'm quite enjoying Ulduar. It's not as much as a cakewalk as naxx, but we seem to manage nicely. If we keep this up, we might eventually clear this.

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