dinsdag 14 juli 2009

Damn you, Alliance scum! Damn you all!

Oh, the joys of levelling.. There I was, a young, brave Tauren druid (Moooooooh!), exploring, roaming the world outside my comfort zone Mulgore, questing for those fine, lazy people holding up in The Crossroads who sent me on many a useless trip they could have done themselves easily enough and made it home in time for dinner too, but I digress. There I was, flying in from some other place on my trusty flightpath-wyvern, only to find out after landing that I ended up in a warzone. Not one single NPC alive in the whole of The Crossroads, thanks to one Nelf somethingsomething, and one Human DK. (I remember him well, for he looked stupid and had a name with a misspelling of 'death' in it. 'Tis a common thing, amongst 14-year old Death Knight Alliance players..) Who were camping the NPC's bodies for the respawn.

Now, how bored must you be, if you spend your time on WoW killing the same bunch of NPC's a million times in a row? Even more bored than when you start an alt, that's how boring.

I'm glad I hit level 21 and got out of there as fast as my little hooves could carry me.. But DAMN.

Anyway. On to evaluation. After finishing up the aquatic form-quests (that landed me a pretty new belt) I finally hit level 20 (21 actually, just hit it this morning), and got my cat form. Finally, something I can work with! Why, you ask? Because it's just like a rogue, that's why! I realise fully well that I started a druid to try out a different class, but you know.. Working with something you know is so much more relaxing than having to try out different things all the time to see what suits you. So too bad, Bear form, and go DIAF, strange-looking aquatic form with your looks that still boggle my mind till no end, I'm sticking with the pussy. Cat, that is.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. And you'll be stuck with the kitteh until you hit outland, and then you could consider going lazorturkey...

    Druids :S
