dinsdag 28 juli 2009

Dating you up-pahpah

*slaps self on the wrist for stupid Jeff Dunham-joke*

So, what have I been up to lately? Weeeeeelll...

* I helped instance-boosting a lvl 79 shaman to 80 because we lack healers in Vintage. (we should have a rule that forbids them to go on holiday together... No use doing anything with both our healers in France)

*I am working on my Sons of Hodir-rep, and thanks to the previous point (boosting him through HoL and HoS) and to some very friendly guildies whom I can't thank enough for their relics of Ulduar, I am now halfway to exalted. Shoulder-enchants, here I come!

*Tecrin has broken her previous record but is no longer the Vintage Champion of Going Pop in Naxxramas. Booooh. Can't remember who it was, although I'm quite certain it was Necrotica, but the entire raid group broke my old record of 9 deaths in 1 run and pushed the bar up to an astounding 16 deaths. Good job, everyone. Good job. Also thanks to the new MT and freshly levelled lvl 80 shaman for making it possible. (:P)

*Panoramooh has undergone some changes. While my way of testing a new character works perfectly when I'm not the only one running around killing things, I don't have a Kavash near me to save my butt when I'm in trouble and therefore spending my talent points by order of fancy doesn't quite do the job.. So I decided to go with an all-Feral build because it is the fastest way of levelling according to Wow Wiki, and I am loving it. LOVING IT. Feral charge = utter win. I can totally imagine Mooh-in-cat-form going all karate-style HiYAAAAAAAAH! when pouncing on her prey from behind... I wish I could do that with Tecrin. She'd be a total ninja. (in a good way. not in a 'I haz your lootz, muhaha' kind of way.) Now all I need is some kind of airborn-backstabbing attack to do while soaring through the air and Mooh is the real new karate-kid.

Anyway. It's a quicker levelling build, I'll tell you that, but it kind of defeats the purpose of my Dignified Headmaster's Charge because I don't really use the spellpower and intellect anymore. I already trained her in daggers and fistweapons (because I was in Orgrimmar and figured it couldn't do any harm to learn those, just in case) but I need to check into those other heirlooms and see if there's a more suitable weapon I can give her for this. It might speed up my levelling even more ^_^

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