vrijdag 24 juli 2009

So, I'ts been a few days since I last posted. This is what happened over the course of the last days:

  • - I hit exalted with the consortium

  • - I hit exalted with all the goblin faction (and now dislike dire maul, who would have thought). I've now hit 30 exalted

  • - I ran Naxx 10 again, and finally got my tier 7 shoulders, not to mention a nice hitrating belt and a funky DPS ring

  • - Since I didn't need my tier 7 pants now, I ran UK heroic to switch back to the pants I wore before getting my tier pants (which i sold.. stupid)

  • - Malygos went down, finally. I'm now proudly running around dalaran with my Champion of the Frozen Wastes title.

  • - We went back into Ulduar last night, and we can safely say we have now 5/14 of ulduar on farm. If not for the fact that our 2 mainhealers are heading to france today, we could start on the watchers next week.

  • So right now, I'm grinding rep with the sha'tari skyguard and ogri'la. Not sure how much time that's going to take, but I'll get there. 25 tabards, here I come.

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