maandag 13 juli 2009

I'm starting to dislike Rivendare..

Ok, So I've done 105 Stratholme runs now, and still the mount eludes me. I'm really starting to dislike Rivendare and enjoyed kicking the crap out of him in Naxx last night (or actually.. watching someone else kick the crap out of him. Because we use nuke tactic on the Four Horseman fight, I'm stuck on Zielek most of the fight).

We did a full clear of Naxx last night. Went pretty well, although we wiped twice on Meaxxna (WTF, we never wipe there), ended up 4 manning Heigan (I died even before the dance due to a lagspike) and wiped once at Kel'thuzad (all our melee dps and our tank got iceblocked.. whoops). Only some offspec loot me for (Minion Brancers) and again no shoulders, but it was fun :)

Mount runs and Naxx aside, I had some time to grind some rep too. I hit exalted with the Scryers and I'm only 2500 rep away from hitting exalted with the shattered sun offensive so probably will be exalted tonight. And perhaps I'll do some mount runs too..

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