maandag 11 januari 2010

Welcome to the twilight zone

Vintage returns to Icecrown Citadel! And wipes twice on Marrowgar.. After which we woke up, focused and oneshotted Deathwhisper, the gunship battle and the heart of Dreanor (or Deathbringer Saurfang). We've yet to face any of the bosses of the new wing, so can't really comment on their "hardness", But I'm quite confident we'll be able to do those in the near future.

As sunday is our weekly raid quest and loose ends night, we had a short trip into Ulduar, and headed into Obsidian Sanctum afterwards to try it with three drakes up. We had done one drake up successfully in the past and had some goes at 3 drakes before, but failed miserably on those occasions. Not this time though. Although most people just "zerg" this encounter nowadays, we didn't have the right group markup to do so. We settled for the "old" tactic of having 3 tanks and 2 healers. A few wipes later, Kavash is stuck with making the decision whetever he likes “the undying” or “of the nightfall” better.

On the other hand, this run made choosing which mount I’m going to use for the next few weeks a bit easier. As on every OS+3 kill, the black drake dropped, and yours truly happened to have the highest roll (after reroll, since tony got a 99 on the first go aswell). That takes my total amount of mounts to 86. Only 14 more to go until I can get my red dragonhawk mount..

Oh and thes small victory's ensured that vintage is now back in the top 10 10 man strict progress on turalyon EU

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Good to see some people still have the guts to use tactics for this fight instead of zerging it. Gotta say: I tiny bit overgeared by now, but that probably only makes it more unique by now.

  2. The fact that we tried zerging is a few weeks earlier and failed had nothing to do with it ofcourse

  3. Ofcourse.

    And congratulations on the mount!
