donderdag 7 januari 2010

Storming the gates

First of all, to all a happy new year. I hope you have all your fingers still. You might need them.

After Vintage had some time struggling in december (due to people not being available) we started storming the gates of icecrown citadel last week. Lots of fun was to be had. Lord marrowgar went down rather quickly, even though AoE damage works like a magnet some people. Lady Deathwhisper (of which I'm sure is just Kel'thuzad in drag) provided a bit more of a challenge, but was put to rest when we figured out the trick.

Onwards to the airship. Which was a bit too much fun. WTB permanend jetpack. When the alliance schip was brought down, we encountered Deathbringer saurfang. Did you know his name meant heart of dreanor? Cause we all know now. Unfortunatly we weren't able to take him down further than 16%. I'm pretty sure He'll go down tonight though.

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