maandag 5 oktober 2009

Pvp? Who, me?

I've gone through some changes since I last wrote here. Tecrin, in particular. (Mooh has been neglected a bit, sorry Mooh) Tecrin is now the proud owner of:
- a pvpspec
- a pvpset
- almost 3500 honorable kills
- an owner (/wave) who suffers from lack of sleep thanks to latenight pvp sessions with a certain Pally (and a certain fellow guildie)

Yep. Pvp. Me. I have to admit, I really hated it, I loathed always being the first to get ganked by at least 5 Alliance simply because I was a rogue. (I tried explaining to them that we're not all that bad and we're not all trying to stab them from behind when they were not looking but they didn't buy it) Wintergrasp was hell for me, and I only did it because, well, it had to be done when you want to do VoA, right? But GOD, the LAG! It was TERRIBLE! And I'd end up dead on the floor before I knew what had happened because, well, LAG!
But now...
I spent a lot of my unused Badgers of Conquest on the PVP-set sold in Dalaran. And I've dualspecced. I now have an assassination spec based on mutilate (41-5-25 if that means anything to you) and I LOVE IT! My significant pally is very happy about that as well, because he saw the pvp-light a little sooner than me. Now we're enjoying ourselves, joining battlegrounds with the two of us and working together as much as possible, kicking more and more ass as I get more used to the spec.

I'm not saying I'm switching to PVP permanently, hell no, I love my raids too much, but I'm so excited I finally found yet another thing to amuse myself with!

Oh, and on another note, we also decided that we can try and two-man the heroic Outland dungeons for the Outland Dungeon Hero achievement. So far, so good, we've done a couple, it's easier than expected once a certain pally turns on his Righteous Fury when he's tanking..

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