vrijdag 10 juli 2009

I'm (going to be) so offensive

Unfortunatly, there was no raid yesterday. Due to some issues at work, our main tank and one of our main DPS had to bail. That left us with not enough people to continue, so we cancelled. Hopefully we'll be able to try again later this week.

So that left me with some time to continue my rep grinding. I'm currently working on the Shattered Sun Offensive and to be honest, it's one of the easiest and most enjoyable grinds so far. The dailies are easy at level 80 and award about 4k rep every day. For some extra rep boosts, you can always run Magisters Terrace (about 1500 rep per run). I will probably hit exalted with them next monday.

An extra plus side of this "grind" is that some of the mobs drop Sunfury Signets and Arcane Tomes which help me with my scryers rep. I just need 530 more Sunfury Signets, or 38 Arcane Tomes.

Because doing dailies for the shattered sun offensive only takes an hour at most, I tried some Stratholme mount runs too yesterday. I'm now at 27 tries, and still no mount. On the bright side, the runs only take me 4 minutes now and it will have to drop eventually. Perhaps tonight?

1 opmerking:

  1. Nice blog matey.

    do you use the exploit with the crates for the strat runs? If you run them in 4-5 mins you probably do.

    keep it up! I should probably post something about mah motahbike one of these days myself, but I think I have Bloggers block.

